Wednesday, November 13, 2013

CamStudio 2.7 r316 Windows 7/8 Download

Category: Multimedia|Video|Video Recording
Developer: RenderSoft Software
Size: 13 MB
Seeds: 101Peers: 74

Good 6Bad 0

DownloadCamStudio torrentCamStudio

Features: Create video tutorials for school or college class. Record a recurring problems with your computer so you can show technical support people. Create video-based information products you can sell Record new tricks and techniques you discover on your favorite software program, before you forget them

Review: CamStudio is a tool that allows you to record a video of your computer screen SWF or AVI. The program has a simple interface and easy to use. On the toolbar, you can start, pause or stop recording, change the look (normal, compact, buttons), the dialog screen notebook screen and recording mode (for AVI or SWF). From the main menu, you can select which area you want to record (hand selected, region, window or full screen), use notes screen and video, and add effects (seal system time, time stamp Xnote, caption, watermark). Video options that you can choose the compressor, adjust the quality and time. Cursor options allow you to hide or display the cursor, select it and click enable visual feedback. The audio options can be set for the microphone, speakers, and also for synchronizing audio and video. Additionally, you can convert AVI to SWF, turn sound recordings, adjust the rotation speed automatic horizontal, assign keyboard shortcuts, as well as establishing CamStudio to stop recordings will automatically delete the file and AVI After The intermediate conclusion, to ask him to change the name of the output file video and play the AVI file once the task is completed. The program uses a low amount of system resources as well as the quality of audio and video output file is excellent. Unfortunately, you do not have a help file available, so first-time users have difficulty understanding their functions.

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