Monday, November 11, 2013

Install Creator Pro 2.0 Build 41 by terminator x64

Category: Authoring tools|Setup creators
Developer: Clickteam
Size: 13 MB
Seeds: 111Peers: 70

Good 25Bad 2

DownloadInstall Creator Pro torrentInstall Creator Pro

Features: All the files in one: The installation program will contain all your files. It does not need any other program, dll or other library files to run in the Windows environment. Simple for you: It allows you to select a single directory since the Wizard will automatically create all files and sub-directories that it needs to install on the destination machine. That's with the Wizard or you can choose to use the main interface, where you will have access to multiple options. This is also just as simple to operate and you can personalize your installation program in much more detail. Easy Installation/Un-installation: Your users have only to click on your installation program and follow the instructions. All your files will be directly installed on their hard disk. Install Creator Pro will add (if you wish it) a program group of icons in the Start menu and on the desktop. An uninstall icon will allow the user to automatically remove your whole application without leaving a trace. A fully optimized program: The install program added to your files is highly compact. It takes up approximately 85 kb including texts of the installation wizard (130 Kb with uninstall program and standard bitmaps). To the simplicity of Install Creator Pro is added a performance way beyond similar programs in its category. Gain more space: The compression capabilities integrated into Install Creator Pro allows (according to the structure of files) a reduction of the volume of data by up to 80% in the installation program. Gain time: If you distribute your programs via the Internet your users will appreciate downloading your applications more rapidly. It takes only a few seconds for Install Creator Pro to restore an application of several megabytes when previously it would have taken several long minutes just to download.


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