Sunday, November 17, 2013

Wondershare PDF to Word Converter 4.0.1 by STI-Larga Download

Category: Office tools|PDF
Developer: Wondershare Software
Size: 14 MB
Seeds: 144Peers: 99

Good 18Bad 1

DownloadWondershare PDF to Word Converter torrentWondershare PDF to Word Converter

Features: Supports importing Adobe PDF 1.0â€"1.7 formats (.pdf) Supports encrypted PDF files conversion Preserves the original layout of text, columns, tables, graphics and hyperlinks Supports conversion of encrypted PDF files Batch conversion of multiple PDF files at one time Supports page range conversion (all, from-to, individual pages) User-friendly interface Doesn't need Adobe Reader or Acrobat to be installed Support multi-language conversion

Review: Wondershare PDF Converter Word is software, with a title that largely explains the function - it allows you to convert PDF documents to format DOCX. The interface of this app is very simple and easy to navigate because you have limited options that you want. So you can import PDF documents using the file browser or drag and drop method. Batch processing is maintained. In the list you can check the item number, name, size, number of pages, the pages are selected and the status of each document. All you need to do is determine which folder (same as the original file or vice versa) and start the conversion process. Additionally, you can choose to convert only certain pages and the output directory and open the file. But you can reset or delete a file. Simple to use programs running on a moderate amount of system resources can guide you to the online help file and quickly finish the task conversion. The good news is that Wondershare PDF Converter Word to successfully convert tables and figures, and special characters found in languages ​​other than English. The bad news is that the layout of the text is stored in excellent quality. For example, PDF to Word Converter Wondershare increase text size in our tests. However, we strongly recommend a PDF conversion tool for all users.

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