Friday, November 1, 2013

Image To PDF 3.4 [Windows 7/8]

Category: Office tools|PDF
Size: 14 MB
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DownloadImage To PDF torrentImage To PDF

Features: Supports TIFF, JPG, PNG, PCD, PSD, TGA, BMP, DCX, EMF, WMF, etc. image formats. Supports virtually all TIFF compressions, including ZIP, LZW, CCITT G4/G3, JPEG, Packbits. Outstanding compression. Can combine multiple image files into one PDF file. Supports Multi-page tiff file to PDF conversion. Does NOT need Adobe Acrobat software. Supports sorting on file name when converting batches. Supports single file processing, single directory processing, multi-level directory processing and many other processing modes. Can set automatic skew-correction (of B/W images). More modes convert. when batch converting, can multiple image files to a single PDF file, or each image file may be converted into individual PDF files. Make use of effective compression processing to minimize space occupied by the created PDF files; for example, an A4 size file with a B/W image the output size is about 40KB to 50KB per page; color and gray-scale images are also compressed and optimized. Supports drag and drop. Supports scanner. Page layout setting. Password protection for PDF files with 40 or 128 bit encryption. Set file permissions to restrict printing, copying, and future modifications to the document. Specify any resolution(DPI) in the generated PDF file. Optimized to increase speed. Set the document info (title, subject, author and keywords, creator). Append to existing PDFs. Supports monitor batch convert. Support watermark, bookmark, viewer setting. Integrates into Explorer right shortcut menu for convenient, easy operation; image can be dragged directly from Windows Explorer and converted quickly.

Review: As the title of this software means that Image to PDF allows you to easily convert images to PDF documents. The program interface is clean and easy to navigate. Images can be imported from the order using the file browser or drag and drop method. Batch processing is enabled. You can check the source of order, number of pages, extract pages and landing every shot. So all you have to do is to specify the location and name of the target in order to continue the process. In addition, you can specify whether to convert to PDF Image to PDF file for each image separately or combine them and write, add or omit files with the same name. In addition, the tool can open a PDF document, delete the source files or command log indicates that all tasks are completed. In addition, you can configure the image (eg JPEG quality, right oblique) and site characteristics (eg, size, placement, orientation, margin) Add watermarks (text or image), password-protected PDF documents , modify PDF data (such as title, subject, author), use bookmarks, and much more. Software simply need a small amount of system resources, is well-drawn pictures help file for complete beginners and fast conversion work. The image quality is maintained at a very good level. November paradise come across any problems during our tests and would highly recommend Image PDF affairs.

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